Historacle Witch: A Historian’s Guide To Witchcraft and Folklore

Hello, I’m Hannah!

I am an early modern historian fascinated with the history of witchcraft and folkloric tales spanning centuries. I graduated from University of York with my MA in Early Modern History, and have since worked on a variety of projects as a historical consultant, alongside my role as Deputy Editor for Inside History Magazine. You can find my publications and appearances under ‘Hannah’ tab on my site.

I created Historacle Witch with the primary aim of supporting others in their research and sparking an interest in those new to the history of witchcraft and folklore. As I travel the world and continue to explore contemporary sources, heritage sites, literature and film, I will compile a guide stretching across 6 continents: Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America. Don’t forget to subscribe to get my latest posts straight to your inbox!

I am always excited to hear about new projects and you can contact me here.

Instagram @historaclewitch
Twitter @historaclewitch